about us

The Presbyterian Women's (PW) group at our church is a highly active group. We conduct community service projects throughout the year. We each contribute our personal gift areas from God which result in successful and meaningful projects. 

All women are welcome!  We meet the first Tuesday of each month at 10:00am.  Join us!

support of THE CHRISTIAN  food pantry and clothes closet OF SHERRILLS FORD

One of our main volunteer projects is to help out at the Christian Food Pantry and Clothes Closet of Sherrills Ford located at Hopewell Church. One day each month, three PW members volunteer together for this community outreach organization. We sort clothing and food as needed.

greeting card ministry

Continuing a long-standing family tradition, one of our PW members coordinates the Greeting Card Ministry for all of our church members. Personalized greeting cards are regularly mailed out to church members to mark special occasions and to support and encourage people. 

BLESSING Box support

The PW group regularly supports the Blessing Box project by providing funding for food items. Stuffed animals are also donated by members to be placed into the box for good cheer. This is an example of a cooperative effort between PW and our church to help meet the immediate food needs of members of our community through our Blessing Box which is open 24/7, seven days a week.

fall school supply drive for catawba elementary school

Each Fall, the PW group sponsors a school supply drive at our church to benefit the students at Catawba Elementary School. These needed supplies help the children get off to a good start for the school year.

christmas dinner boxes for lOCAL SCHOOLS

Complete holiday dinner boxes were prepared by the PW group for Christmas.  This project is in cooperation with the Christian Food Pantry and Clothes Closet of Sherrills Ford.. 

angel tree

PW members coordinate our Angel Tree for children of Catawba County.